Letter titled The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Biblical Evidence for the 1st Century Return of Christ

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Essays on the Book of Revelation

“Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near” (Rev 1:3)

The Book of Revelation is not meant to be a closed, arcane secret. The opening words in Greek read: “ἀποκάλυψις Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ” (apokalypsis Iesou Christou) meaning “the revelation of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 1:1). It’s a “REVELATION” not an “obscure mystery”. It was intended to be understood by believers in seven real, historical churches of Asia Minor in the 1st century, ie: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea (Revelation 2 & 3).

image of angel wing bookends
Rev 1:1 and Rev 22:6 are like two bookends
- Image courtesy of Z Gallerie … zgallerie.com

In the apocalytic vision, Jesus describes all the things which are about to occur … in their lifetime. In the first chapter, He says that the events would occur SOON …

“things that must SOON take place” [Gk: ἐν τάχει : en tachei : quickly] (Rev 1:1)1

“… for the time is NEAR[Gk: ἐγγύς : engys : near](Rev 1:3)

In the final chapter, Jesus repeats the same promise… all the events would occur SOON …

“what must SOON take place” [Gk: ἐν τάχει : en tachei : quickly] (Rev 22:6)

“I am coming SOON[Gk: ταχύ : tachy : quickly] (Rev 22:7,12,20)2

Let’s take a closer look at aspects of the book, including the date when it was written; the immence of events described; the beast; etc.

Date of Revelation

Although there is no specific “date‐stamp” in the Apocalypse, the author gives us some indication, when he says:

“I, John, your brother and PARTNER IN THE TRIBULATION and the kingdom and the patient endurance that are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos”. (Rev 1:9 ~ my caps)

The likely author is Apostle John, a contemporary of Jesus, who was imprisoned by the Roman authorities on the island of Patmos. He says that he is suffering the same “tribulation” as other believers, in the seven churches of Asia Minor, and warning them of the “Great Tribulation” ABOUT TO COME on them before the return of Christ.

This article, in two parts, examines the Biblical and historical evidences for a pre-AD 70 “Date of Revelation”:

READ MORE about Date of Revelation ‐ Part 1: Missing Historical Events and other topics

ALSO: Date of Revelation ‐ Part 2: Fulfillment of the Scroll Vision


Seal Up : Do Not Seal Up the Prophecy

Everyone likes a good mystery and what could be more mysterious than visions of the “time of the end”. This website provides Biblical evidence that the “time of the end” is the Last Days of the Old Covenant (OC) nation of Israel, including Jerusalem and the Temple. This subject is discussed in several scriptures, including Daniel and Revelation, as well as Jesus’ Olivet discourse (Matthew 23, 24 & Luke 21) and Peter’s first epistle.

It is important to recognise the historical context and audience relevance of each scripture passage. Daniel lived in the Old Testament (OT) period under the OC. Jesus and his Apostles lived in the NT period at the commencement of the New Covenant: a time of REVELATION and FULFILLMENT of OT prophecy. Daniel the OT prophet was told to “seal up” his book because the end time was still a long way off, but John the NT Apostle was told not to seal up his book (Revelation)

READ MORE (Seal Up : Do Not Seal Up The Prophecy)


“Soon” Means “Soon”

In the Book of Revelation, God is speaking through his angel and telling believers about upcoming events… it is NOT a riddle or a mystery; it’s a ‘revelation’, unveiling hidden things so that humans, in AD 70, could discover and understand the upheavals and turmoils ABOUT TO happen.

The Book of Revelation is a message from Jesus, speaking to real historical believers, encouraging them in their faith and perseverance, by unveiling “things that must soon take place” [Gk: ἐν τάχει : en tachei : quickly] (Rev 1:1, 22:6) Jesus says: “… for the time is near” [Gk: ὁ γὰρ καιρὸς ἐγγύς : ho gar kairos engys : for the time is near] (Rev 1:3)

READ MORE (“Soon” Means “Soon”)


Who Is The Beast Of Revelation?

“And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads.” (Rev 13:1)

Who was this dramatic and colourful figure, the BEAST? Was this imagery intended to scare people at some vague future date, maybe thousand of years later? Or was it meant to be a serious and relevant warning to real churches in the 1st Century AD, about a real, dangerous character, who was about to unleash great havoc and persecution on them? I think the latter explanation is more plausible, as it parallels what Jesus said previously, during his Olivet discourse, about the coming “great tribulation” (Matthew 24:21). Jesus also urged his disciples to be ready to “flee to the mountains”, when THEY SAW the troubles approaching. (Note: Jesus never said that unspecified people, thousands of years later, should “flee to the mountains”)

READ MORE (Who Is The Beast Of Revelation?)


The Holy City ‐ New Jerusalem

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” (Revelation 21:1,2 KJV)

Friends, “Is this scene on earth? Or is it in heaven? Plainly we have here a representation in which symbolism is carried to its utmost limits. The symbols serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things.”

Twice in the Apocalypse, Jesus declared that all the events therein : “… must soon take place.” (Rev 1:1; 22:6)

The chief figure in this visionary representation is the holy city, new Jerusalem, which is always represented in the Scriptures as situated in heaven, not on earth. St. Paul speaks of the Jerusalem which is above, in contrast with the Jerusalem below. How can the Jerusalem which is above belong to earth? There cannot be a reasonable doubt that the city which is here depicted in such glowing colours is identical with that which is referred to in Heb. xii. 22, 23: ‘Ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels; to the general assembly and church of the first-born, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect.’ Clearly, therefore, the holy city is the abode of the glorified; the inheritance of the saints in light; the mansions of the Father’s house, prepared for the home of the blessed.”

READ MORE (The Holy City ‐ New Jerusalem)


NB: “Unless Otherwise indicated, all Scriptures are from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001, 2007, 2011, 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

1… The Greek phrase “en tachei” (Rev 1:1, 22:6) is rendered as “SOON” in these bible translations:

  • English Standard Version (ESV),
  • New International Version (NIV),
  • New Living Translation (NLT),
  • Christian Standard Bible (CSB),
  • New American Standard Bible (NASB),
  • New English Translation (NET),
  • Revised Standard Version (ESV),
  • Hebrew Names Version (HNV).
  • ‐ ↺

2… The Greek word “tachy” (Rev 22:7,12,20) is rendered as “SOON” in these bible translations:

  • English Standard Version (ESV),
  • New International Version (NIV),
  • New Living Translation (NLT),
  • Christian Standard Bible (CSB),
  • New English Translation (NET),
  • Revised Standard Version (ESV).
  • ‐ ↺

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