Parousia Fulfilled


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About Us

The author of this website is a mature evangelical bible-believing Christian. It is hoped that the information and discussion on this site will advance your understanding and knowledge of the Word of God, with particular emphasis on the biblical evidence for a 1st Century return of Christ… (popularly known as the “Second Coming”, although there is no such phrase anywhere in the NT).

The original Koine Greek manuscripts of the New Testament (NT) use the word: “παρουσία” (parousia) to denote the return of Christ after he ascended into heaven (see Acts 1:11). The word “Parousia” means: “coming”, “presence”, “arrival” or “advent”.

This website is called: “Parousia Fulfilled”, because our belief is that the parousia return of Christ happened in the 1st Century. This is based on the overwhelming biblical evidence indicating that Christ would return in power and great glory with all his angels, “coming on clouds of heaven”… during the lifetime of his contemporaries, ie: his disciples and the unbelievers who murdered him. A close examination of the NT reveals that there are more than 100 Time Statements, which indicate that the parousia return of Christ was imminent in NT times, ie: the 1st Century AD.

Although ‘past fulfillment’ of the parousia is currently not ‘traditional’ or ‘mainstream’ Church teaching, it is important to remember that the final authority on all matters of faith and practice in the Church is the Holy Bible: the inspired Word of God. We ought not elevate ‘traditions of men’ above the written Word of God.

Furthermore, ‘past fulfillment’ is not a ‘novel’ idea. Many theologians and writers have held this view, either fully or partially.

As you read through the articles on this website, please be like the Bereans of Acts 17:

“Now these Jews [in Berea] were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” (Acts 17:10-11)

Tragedy of the Events of AD 70

I would also like to express my sadness as I was reading Josephus’ account of the Siege of Jerusalem in AD 70. It was a regrettable and inhumane tragedy, which no one should have to endure. Thank God the believers in Christ were able to escape before the terrible siege commenced.

“His blood be on us!”

The wrath of God that fell on Jerusalem and Israel in AD 67-70 was just punishment for “all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah… ” (Matt 23:35), and also for their killing of Jesus.

Remember the events of Jesus’ trial before Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor. Pilate examined Jesus and realised that he was innocent:

‘… he went back outside to the Jews and told them, “I find no guilt in him…” ’(John 18:38)

Pilate wanted to flog Jesus and then release him, but the crowd opposed him and cried out “Crucify, crucify him!” (Luke 23:21) Reluctantly, Pilate washed his hands and said: ‘ “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.” And all the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!”(Matt 27:24-25)

Thus, they took responsibility for shedding the innocent blood of Jesus, and brought down on themselves the wrath of God. In AD 70 they were finally judged and destroyed off the face of the earth.

Jews today in the 21st Century are NOT the generation that killed the Messiah in AD 30, so they are NOT to blame for that crime. Neither are Gentiles to blame. The contemporaries of Jesus, in Israel in AD 30, killed him and they are the ones whom God justly punished. No one today is associated with that last wicked and perverse generation, and no more guilt for that crime remains. Let there be peace NOW among and between all peoples, to the glory of Christ.

All Bible verses quoted above are from the English Standard Version Bible, Bible Gateway – ESV Bible, viewed online March 2019 at:

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